La Calima: A Haze over Tenerife

“Calima”. During our time on Tenerife, we had heard the word enough to make us curious. “Watch out for the calima! The calima is coming! What’s the calima going to be like this year?” Eventually I looked it up, and then scoffed to Jürgen, “Guess what it means? HAZE. That’s what everyone is so worried about! A little haze!” He joined me in a hearty laugh, and we got back to booking our flights back home. A bit of haze was not going to stop that.

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The Tenerife Airport Disaster

The story began with a bomb. On the morning of March 27th, members of the Canary Islands Independence Movement exploded a device in the airport of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, injuring six people. They also issued a warning that a second bomb was due to explode. As a result, all flights arriving into Las Palmas were diverted to nearby Tenerife.

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Hola Tenerife, Adios Tenerife

The island of Tenerife was to be our home for three months, and we couldn't wait to arrive. How excited were we about this new adventure? Well, the first thing we did upon touching down was drive immediately to the ferry station, hop a boat and put Tenerife in our rearview mirror. Two hours after arriving, we were gone…

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